• Achieve Good Environmental Status for Coastal Infrastructures Construction


AGESCIC answers coastal work environmental challenges with an innovative set of easy-to-use and cost effective solutions.

With more than 400 projects per year in the EU, coastal constructions are an important source of water pollution causing turbidity and underwater noise. These two major impacts can cause severe changes in the biodiversity, especially benthic fauna, fish, mammals, cephalopod, microalgae and seagrass.

The AGESCIC project aims at bringing new technology solutions to reduce the marine environmental impacts of coastal works, especially for the underwater noise and turbidity impacts, on marine fauna and ecosystems.

AGESCIC complies with to the new European ocean protection strategy through the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) 2008/56 / CE (descriptors 6 and 7 for turbidity and 11 for underwater noise) to reach Good Environmental Status for oceans.

The AGESCIC project is the combination of 3 innovative technologies. Together they build an innovative systemic full service solution :

• One noise mitigation and turbidity containment system : SubSea Quieter
• One real-time acoustic/turbidity impacts assessment and ecosystem monitoring system : SmartPAM+
• One system to restore ecosystems for coastal fish population : HAREST

This unique combination is a cost effective solution to answer coastal works environmental challenges.


  • 2019
  • Adaptation of the 3 systems
  • Setting the pilot site
  • 2023
  • Manufacture and installation of the 3 systems on the pilot site and efficiency measurement
  • 2023/2024
  • Assessment of AGESCIC system’s performance at pilot site
  • Assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the project
  • Actions for replicability to other European regions and transfer of acquired knowledge
  • Commercialization starting

Become a stakeholder

AGESCIC is looking forward to gather a stakeholders group to be part of the development of the system and prepare its implementation along European coasts.

AGESCIC’s stakeholders group is open to public bodies, the coastal construction industry, scientists, researchers, environmental non-profit organizations (NGOs) and any other individual/organization involved in the field.

Stakeholders will provide their experiences and application cases. They can follow the project thanks to a dedicated exchange platform, an access to the latest updates and exclusive annual meetings.

Visit our dedicated stakeholder page to learn more and join us



LIFE Programme

The project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union

Scientific publication

"Racket in the ocean: Why underwater noise matters, how to measure it, how to manage it"

A proposition paper by the Observatory for responsible innovation.

Download the study "Racket in the Oceans":

Presentation of the project, the actors and the stakes